“The Perfect Being” Short Story (Pt. 3/3)

Tej Crescendo
4 min readOct 7, 2020

“The Perfect Being”

Part Three of a Three Part Series

Now that Zrk had felt unrestricted power, he was an addict. He impatiently waited for his caregiver, William Harris to arrive. Zrk knew he had blood in his veins, and Zrk wanted it. When William did arrive at 6am that morning, Zrk was possessed by excitement and took no time to stick William with a syringe and use his new found talent to inject it into himself. At first, William was terrified, but grew fascinated after seeing Zrk operate the syringe with ease. Over the next few days, William brought all sorts of tools, a screwdriver with screws, a wrench, bandages, and other medical items. Zrk figured out and perfectly used the items in just a few minutes for each, without instruction at that. William was so proud and curious of these findings that he made it his sole responsibility to watch over Zrk, assigning his employees to other tasks. Each time William brought new tools in, he’d allow Zrk to take some of his blood for himself. William grew more obsessed and involved with every day that passed. He was unshowered, stopped using caution, and focused almost all of his energy on Zrk. As his health declined, Zrk became stronger and more powerful. William eventually passed away from radiation poisoning, Zrk took this opportunity to drain the rest of the lifeless man’s blood, giving him a visible aura of distortion.

Zrk was not yet satiated, so he went through the small facility searching for more blood. Items around him melted, becoming a destroyed and distorted husk of what it once was. Employees saw Zrk approaching and called in an emergency, alerting everyone that he escaped. Zrk became a blur as he quickly moved toward two employees and drained their blood, sucking his fingers and savoring his snack. Zrk continued as employees ran and called this in as a national security threat.The Russian government , wanting to get their hands on an Ozyt, quickly agreed to contain him in exchange for having full rights to observe and experiment on him. A new special “forgein threat” team was sent to sedate Zrk as he walked through small New Zealand communities. The aura of distortion grew larger and the area around Zrk was untouchable, trees died, metal melted, and people were both, leaving only bone material and blood behind.Zrk would greedily ingest the blood, growing the aura even bigger and stronger. The special team tried shooting tranquilizer darts but they melted into nothingness before reaching Zrk, this was now a global threat.

The US Pentagon made a deal with Russia that they would move Zrk into a remote part of Russia, as long as they share no information with China. Russia agrees and the U.S., using intel from the researchers at NZEAPA, lure Zrk to Siberia using blood. Russia’s forgein threat team transported a large amount of wildlife around Zrk to keep him occupied. Over 6,000 animals were killed and drained of their blood in 2 days. Zrk was on the move.

With all the nourishment Zrk was in amazing shape, jumping higher than ever, running faster than ever, and with more raw strength than thought possible. Although, Zrk was getting hungry. He moved like a blur to find more blood, radar and surveillance could not detect Zrk in these bursts of energy. Zrk used a ton of energy, and the few animals and people he drained on the way didn’t make up even a part of the energy he used. His speed reduced and the aura of distortion grew weaker into nothing. Zrk felt horrible, he was going through withdrawals. Nevertheless, Zrk kept moving, eventually concerning Russian surveillance operatives to his closing proximity to a nuclear power plant. Zrk moved in, looking to get his fix. Workers ran and Zrk knew he could not catch up, but he also knew some had stayed, he could sense it. Men were crying and running away, except one, who was moving toward Zrk. Zrk made his way to the control room where he found three people full of blood. He was just about to kill one when a voice in Ozyt said “Zrk, please don’t do this, it will cause a reaction that will eventually kill every human on Earth” Zrk looked back to see Thomas from the facility. “How amusing, it can speak my language” Zrk responded in fascination. “I studied so I could talk to you, Zrk.Please don’t do this, I can get you blood another way, but doing it now will make humans go extinct” “I don’t care, I’m hungry” Zrk nonchalantly replied before consuming the first man’s blood and releasing radiation that exploded the power plant. Radiation was spewed everywhere, nuclear surveillance equipment went off, satellites fell down to Earth.

After all the commotion all that was left was a fiery, yet dull rock where Zrk sat and pondered about life. Zrk was truly alone once again.




Tej Crescendo

Writer for gaming, fitness, music, comedy, and more