The Characteristics That Make One Punch Man Characters So Good
On the surface One Punch Man seems like it has a bland plot, a hero that can basically insta-kill any enemy and is more worried with groceries than monsters, but this show is far from boring. It’s more about the side characters than the main one without neglecting Saitama’s leading role, and gives each character their own in depth personality with development. Season one introduces dozens of characters that are all interesting and relatable. Each character has traits that just about everyone will relate to: boredom, depression, jealousy, insecurity, and narcissism just to name the main ones. Here is a list of the personality traits shown in every “major” One Punch Man character.
Saitama: Depression, insecurity, ennui (“a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement”- Oxford Dictionary), and boredom.
Genos: Empathy, compassion, pity, humility, ambition
Silverfang: Wisdom, patience, compassion
Puri Puri Prisoner: protectiveness, selflessness, perfectionist
Tornado: Narcissism, jealousy, attention-seeking
Sweet Mask: Narcissism, arrogance
Mumen Rider: Ambition, virtue, persistence, resilience
These characteristics are what make One Punch Man such a good show. The emotions and personalities are so relatable, add the comedy and surprisingly good fight scenes and it’s no wonder this is one of the most beloved animes out there.