(PT.1) Top 10 Call of Duty Campaigns

Tej Crescendo
4 min readSep 17, 2020

10. Advanced Warfare

AW campaign had really good graphics. That’s about all it had going for it. It did have it’s moments, like when you find out Irons is the bad guy and Gideon was on his side, or when you find out Gideon is actually on your side and is a good guy, or maybe when the Sentinel forces show up in invisibility suits. Come to think of it, the Advanced Warfare campaign was just a series of plot twists. It wasn’t all bad, the appearance of Kevin Spacey was cool, although that didn’t age well… Anyways, parts of the gameplay were fun and it was the first CoD to introduce the use of EXO suits.

Rating: 5/10

Verdict: meh

9. Modern Warfare 3

This probably seems low for most people, but trust me I did like the MW3 campaign,it was just so lackluster compared to its predecessors. Some of the gameplay was fun but fighting russians to kill Makarov was MW2’s main story, they didn’t change it at all. The missions seemed like they were just there to push the story to a climax, then to an ending. MW3 was just an average game with a few standout missions that put it just ahead of AW.

Rating: 6/10

Verdict: Still meh

8. Call of Duty 2: The Big Red One

Not much to say about this one, it was just a straightforward WW2 shooter which won’t put it too high on this list, but it beats BO3 and BO4 by default so it was a good move.

Rating: 6.5/10

Verdict: It’s okay

7. World At War

WaW was CoD2 but done better. While CoD2 stuck to the basic formula, WaW changed things up (a little) and it made the game much better in the long run. WaW was a WW2 shooter with just enough change to make it great.

Rating: 7.5/10

Verdict: Good!

6. Black Ops 2

BO2 had a fun campaign, it was fresh and new with the Strike Force missions, visiting different time periods, and alternate ending. For CoD this was new grounds, but in the FPS world, this was nothing new. I liked the story and the different endings, but it’s the gameplay that stopped this from being a top 3 campaign for me. The create a class thing and the tools were cool, but made the gameplay feel wonkier. I’m all for games that let you customize, but Bo2 was not the place for all that in my opinion.

Rating: 8/10

Verdict: Good

5. Black Ops

Black Ops had fun gameplay, a good story, and good world building. Nothing was standout and exceptional, it was a well rounded game with few flaws.

Rating: 8/10

Verdict: Great

4. Ghosts

This is a controversial one to say the least. Ghosts wasn’t perfect but nothing about it was bad, at least campaign wise. The Red Dawn vibes and “The Federation” itself gave a great feeling to this story, everyone wants a Red Dawn style game, Ghosts decided to do it. The gameplay was very fun, using tanks and helicopters with the best mechanics a CoD game has ever had. But aside from the gameplay, the storyline was great too! Rorke was such a good antagonist with a compelling backstory and insane motives. Ghosts’ campaign was amazing and you can’t tell me different.

Rating: 9/10

Verdict: Amazing

3. World War II

I know I went in on how much I loved Ghost’s campaign and it’s hard to believe I like three more than it, but WW2 campaign has everything Ghost’s have, plus a better healing system. Yep, that’s what makes it better. Well the whole system of your allies helping you with their own perks, but let’s be honest, Zussman and his medkits are what made an actual difference. The story was textbook WW2, it could have been a movie. The graphics, especially in cutscenes, were beautiful and made the intense story that much better.

Rating: 9/10

Verdict: Must Play

2. CoD 4: Modern Warfare

No other campaign on this list, excluding CoD2, would exist without CoD4. The campaign was revolutionary for it’s time and directly paved a path for the other games to follow. The story set up the Modern Warfare trilogy, so obviously it was great, the gameplay was, and still is, incredibly fun, CoD4 will live on as a legendary CoD forever.

Rating: 9.5/10

Verdict: If you haven’t played this then what are you doing with your life?

  1. Modern Warfare 2

Ghost, Captain Price, Soap, Roach, Sgt, Foley, Cpl. Dunn, Lt. Vasquez. The list of characters should already make it clear why it’s number one. The story is film quality, the gameplay is fun and imaginative , and the entire experience is perfect. MW2 contains notable missions such as: “No Russain”, “Wolverines!”, “The Only Easy Day… Was Yesterday”, “Loose Ends” and plenty more. The story and missions for MW2 were iconic and connected the story in the most satisfying way. For the record, MW2 will always be the best CoD campaign.

Rating: 10/10

Verdict: Perfection.



Tej Crescendo

Writer for gaming, fitness, music, comedy, and more