JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven game review

Let me be blunt, Eyes of Heaven is a bad game. The story is idiotic, the art style is sickening, and the controls make me want to vomit. The game has less sense than Hellen Keller and can hardly be called playable. With that being said if you do attempt to play it, it’s kinda fun. Along with being fun though, it is infuriating to play-it could have been so much better. The controls make the gameplay super easy but the weird formatting and confusing hints makes it difficult. The biggest challenge in the game is trying to get a full understanding of what’s going on, rather than your enemies. However, that is where the bit of fun comes in. Running around aimlessly until finally “ORA ORA ORAing” your opponents is simply just fun. Other than when you are beating the shit out of a video game character by tapping square fast, the game is a dumpster fire and I’m not surprised it’s only $9 on PSN.
Gameplay: 5/10
Story: -1/10
Style: 0/10
Controls: 2/10
Rating: 1.5/10
Worth it?: If you got $9 to spare and have low expectations, go ahead and buy this on PSN.